Hey friends,
Greetings from Ashoka University, India!
Every week, I share a quote that inspires me. Readers seem to think that I just stumble across these quotes every week. Little do they know that I actually have a repository of them, one I’ve been building for many years. Every week, I just pull out one of them and added to the newsletter.
Here at University, there are several quotes by famous people that are written up on the walls. Gandhi, Einstein, Roald Dahl, René Descartes. You get the picture.
I’ve always wondered which quote of mine will be up on these walls one day. When I’m dead and gone, only my work will remain—my writings and art. I’m curious to see what they pick.
Until then, do enjoy these quotes. The first one is one of my all time favourites.
This list is NOT exhaustive. It is just a selection. Maybe I’ll do another issue someday where I include some other quotes.
The things that you feel most deeply, from the bottom of your heart, will never deceive you in the slightest - Genzaburo Yoshino
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. - H. Jackson Brown Jr.
From this point forth, we shall be leaving the firm foundation of fact and journeying together through the murky marshes of memory into thickets of wildest guesswork - Albus Dumbledore
There's a point, around the age of twenty, when you have to choose whether to be like everybody else the rest of your life, or to make a virtue of your peculiarities. - Ursula Le Guin
The unsolved mysteries of the rainforest are formless and seductive. They are like unnamed islands hidden in the blank spaces of old maps, like dark shapes glimpsed descending the far wall of a reef into the abyss. They draw us forward and stir strange apprehensions. The unknown and prodigious are drugs to the scientific imagination, stirring insatiable hunger in a single taste. In our hearts we hope we will never discover everything. We pray there will always be a world like this one at whose edge I sat in darkness. The rainforest in its richness is one of the last repositories on earth of that timeless dream. - Edward O. Wilson
This is a zoomed in shot of a Sarus crane that I photographed by holding my binoculars up to my phone camera. Such a memorable encounter—a lifer for me!
Have a creative, wild and inspiring week!
If you’re new, welcome to The Owlet! My name is Ishan Shanavas, and I am an Artist, Photographer, Writer and Student of the Natural World.
Here I talk about my work, along with curating the most interesting ideas on the internet. I confine them to topics like Nature, Culture, Photography, and Art but often fall prey to other genres.
I would greatly appreciate it if you shared my newsletter and work with your friends. It really helps me out :)
". . .make a virtue of your peculiarities. - Ursula Le Guin" Love that!!