The Everyday Creativity Rule + The Value of Podcasts
I also finished the basic book illustrations!
Hey friends,
Greetings from Delhi, India!
I am finally done with all the basic illustrations for the book (I will make a few more for redundancy).
But I don’t want to stop the creativity-streak that I have going on, because the past few weeks have been so stimulating. I’ve learnt so much by doing art non-stop.
I realised that I'd been unconsciously following a rule that I'd now like to call "The Everyday Creativity Rule".
The Everyday Creativity Rule
This rule states that every day, no matter what, I must engage in some creative activity before I sleep.
This is because I’ve learnt that creativity is a skill we can all learn (contradictory to popular belief). It is a muscle that needs to be trained. You need to constantly test your creative limits. For me, that means either writing, taking photographs or making art.
Over the past few weeks, I’ve been systematically working on the illustrations for my book. I needed to get this out of the way before I dive fully into the editing so that each phase has my full attention. That meant drawing for 2-3 hours (minimum) every day.
This was such a different artistic experience. Until now, I opened my sketchbook only when inspiration struck me. As a result, one sketchbook would last for several months. But now, they’re getting over in a few weeks.
Famous writers like Stephen King and David Perell say you should write daily to bring out your creative self. Out of this daily output, most won’t be the best quality.
But occasionally, you’ll hit the jackpot and create a piece you’ll be proud of.
Nathan Barry, the man behind ConvertKit (a newsletter platform used by all high-performing creators), has mentioned how writing everyday helped him level up his business (read that here). Ali Abdaal says so as well.
Doing this also helps build a portfolio of work. By doing something every day, the chances of you creating a masterpiece (be it an article, a photograph or an artwork) increase tenfold. It’s intuitive, but people fail to realise this.
So ask yourself, what creative endeavour will you undertake today? Or better still, after reading this newsletter, switch off your laptop and start creating!
PS: I don’t think it is sustainable to follow this rule all the time. That would just be overwhelming. It would turn creativity from an enjoyable activity into a chore; I don’t want that to happen.
So, instead of seeing this as a “rule” (in the strict definition of the word), I will approach this as a lifestyle choice.
One of the reasons I write this newsletter is to learn in public. Let’s see how this next adventure goes!
The Value of Podcasts
Whenever I want to learn about something, I turn to podcasts.
In my newsletter last week, my friend (and writer)
said that “in this climate of ephemeral content, people yearn for long-form content”. I completely agree. When I want to learn something, I wish to go deep and immerse myself in the subject. And listening to podcasts is the best way to do that. Podcasters go deep into their subject matter.Listening to podcasts is such an immersive experience. You’re literally letting someone’s voice ring in your head for an hour. I cannot think of other forms of media that are that intimate. As a result, you can engage with the ideas discussed on a much deeper level.
These are some of the podcasts I listen to. I think there is something in there for everyone.
Here are some links I enjoyed this week:
The Ultimate Guide to Writing Online: It might be a clickbait title, but this article is my BIBLE. It is what I’m following for all my work online. If you want to give this creator thing a shot, READ THIS!
16 Personalities: I had to take this test as part of my university’s career preparation program, and it made me think about the efficacy of MBTI personality tests. On the one hand, I resonate with almost everything written about my personality result (I am an INFJ-A, in case you were wondering). But a part of me feels a bit uncomfortable with boiling down the vast range of human personalities into just 16 categories…
I finished this tiger last week, and I must say that this is one the best pieces I’ve done in a long time. I have a special place in my heart reserved for this animal. The tiger has played an enormous role in my life, and that makes each tiger piece I make extra special. There is something so regal about this animal. Just drawing it makes me feel its magnificence.
This piece also marks the last page of my sketchbook. Finishing a sketchbook is such a thrilling experience! It is a validation of all the hard work and creative rigour you have gone through. I simply love this feeling! I can’t wait to begin my new sketchbook.
Here is an image I took when I started the piece. It is a snapshot from my Instagram story.
Favourite Quotes
I read this recently in “The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck”, and I found it absolutely hilarious.
“You get anxious about confronting somebody in your life. That anxiety cripples you and you start wondering why you’re so anxious. Now you’re becoming anxious about being anxious. Oh no! Doubly anxious! Now you’re anxious about your anxiety, which is causing more anxiety. Quick, where’s the whiskey?” - Mark Manson
I also loved this quote from my friend
in her newsletter last week.Everyone is an artist because everything starts with imagining.
Here’s a third quote, just for fun.
Writing isn’t some intellectual pursuit separate from your life. Writing is the translation of your life into words that outlive you. - David Perell, founder of Write of Passage
Have a creative, wild and inspiring week!
If you’re new, welcome to The Owlet! My name is Ishan Shanavas, and I am an Artist, Photographer, Writer and Student of the Natural World.
Here I talk about my work, along with curating the most interesting ideas on the internet. I confine them to topics like Nature, Culture, Photography, and Art but often fall prey to other genres.
I would greatly appreciate it if you shared my newsletter and work with your friends. It really helps me out :)
Love the tiger! Your drawings continue to amaze me. You have an incredible talent, Ishan.
Also, incredible illustration! I wasn’t aware you could do this. Absolutely amazing.