The Owlet - Biomimicry (How we Imitate Nature)
Hi friends,
Greetings from Sonipat, Haryana!
Biomimicry is when products are designed from structures found in nature. And it exists all around us.
Ventilation systems designed after prairie dog burrows, plastic surfaces modelled after shark skin, and trains structured after kingfisher's beaks; these are all taking inspiration from nature.
Think about it. Animals have been facing problems for millions of years. Natural selection has singled out those traits (physical in this case) best suited to the environment. Biomimicry harnesses all that work and puts it to use.
Right now, a lot of sustainability discourses orbit around circular economies. It speaks of having virtually zero waste, with every by-product being put back to use in the economy. This follows the same dynamic of ecosystems, where all entities degrade and persist in the system.
Nature plays an enormous role in our lives, even if it might not be obvious initially. We must educate more people about their relevance.
This Week
Write of Passage is officially on! I've been spending my nights jumping across multiple zoom calls, writing hundreds of words and getting few hours of sleep in everyday.
And I absolutely love it!
We have just had a few WOP sessions in, but I already seem to have connected with people from across the globe! I'm interacting with people who have all these cool stories to tell, with interests so niche you wouldn't have even heard of them! It's been a blast.
I'm going to follow these fellow writers as we learn the WOP method ans carve our niches on the internet. We've started a wonderful journey, and I can't wait to see where this goes!
My Favourite Links
How wildlife films warp time —
Slow motion and timelapse can reveal the wonders of the natural world.
How the BBC films the night side of Planet Earth —
The technology that helps wildlife filmmakers see in the dark.
How I Make $4 Million Per Year - The Creatorpreneur Business Model —
The business model behind most creators.
There is something so captivating about the face of a monkey. In it I see emotion beyond which even the best words can say. This animal more attention than it gets.
I shot this individual in black and white, for I think it adds an extra layer of emotion and interpretation. What do you think? Let me know by replying to this email!
Favourite Quote
There’s a beautiful mystery that resonates around an old bull elephant that evokes a sense of calmness. His wisdom can be felt and anyone in his presence, knows that he commands not just silence but also the trees around him, the earth he walks on and the skies above. - Shaaz Jung
Have a Great Week!
If you’re new, welcome to The Owlet! My name is Ishan Shanavas, and here I talk about my work, along with curating the most interesting ideas on the internet. I confine them to topics like Nature, Culture, Photography, and Art but often fall prey to other genres.Â
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