I am writing a book—a memoir about my experiences over half a decade exploring the natural world. In it, I travel to lush rainforests, arid scrub jungles, frigid montane forests, thriving coral reefs and more…
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Hi there!
I’m Ishan Shanavas - Photographer, Artist and Student of the Natural World.
I write about my work and thoughts, while sharing the best content I consume around:
The Human Condition.
I share a photo with a story every week. You can find this at the bottom of every issue (my subscribers tell me it is the best part!). I also share book reviews, quotes and other things that fascinate me. This is my public journal, where I chronicle my journey navigating my passions. Subscribe to get all this delivered straight into your inbox!
Why should you Subscribe?
Through my writing, art and photography, I’ll show you the beauty and wonder of the natural world. I’ll take you into the wild from the comfort of your chair.
But I’m not only a wildlife guy. I am also deeply interested in the Human Condition. Much of my writing involves me making sense of our world.
I am a deliberate consumer. Be it books, articles, videos, podcasts— I filter through this world of information abundance. They span topics beyond my core interests, like: Being/Becoming a Creator, Science, Pop Culture, and Personal Development. Here, I curate some of the best content to spare you the effort of surfing the internet yourself.
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About me
I am an undergrad student at Ashoka University, India. I am a Wildlife-Enthusiast, Photographer, Artist, and now, Writer.
I have mentors from various fields. Some of them are Valmik Thapar, George Schaller, David Attenborough, Ullas Karanth, David Yarrow, Paul Rosolie, JK Rowling, Yuval Harari, David Perell, Ali Abdaal, Tiago Forte, James Clear, Scott Christian, Hamish Mackie, Mark Coreth, Austin Kleon, Rick Lewis and so many more. The funny part is that most of them don’t even know it yet!
I grew up in Bangalore, India.
Where to Start?
Head over to the “Archives” section above to access all my writing here till date. You can also check out my Twitter and Instagram.
My website is my online home. It houses all of my work, from my portfolio to my various projects. I encourage you to check it out; you might stumble across something you like!
Some FAQs
Why the name “The Owlet”?
The Spotted Owlet was the bird that got me interested in birdwatching during my schooling days. Over the years, it has grown to be my favourite bird, and thus I saw it only fitting to name my newsletter after this little avian.
Will I receive spam emails?
Of course not! I send an email every week or so, and I only include content that I feel will benefit the subscriber. So worry not. ☺️
How can I spread the word?
Feel free to share my work on any social media platform that you are on. The more the merrier!