Your sketch is amazing Ishan. Looks like you've been doing it for years. You've got quite an eye. : ) Also, I'm certain you are going to invent some form of business, service, or product that allows you to elevate the awareness of nature and sustain your ability to serve that cause at the same time. You are so talented in so many ways!

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Thanks Rick! Your comments always bring a smile to my face :)

Yes I have dabbled in art for a while, but this was my first time trying out colour pencils as an art medium. One of my friends does it, and she inspired me.

You said it man. That is the dream. What form it takes, that I don't know. But that is the direction I am headed in.

To share a quote from Boyd Varty that best sums up my position (in relation to what you said)

"I don't know where I am going but I know exactly how to get there"

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I'm putting this quote above my desk!

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