The whisper in your ear isn't random noise. Doing the work is a bit like tuning an old school radio. Properly tuned the whisper turns into a signal loud and clear.

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Wow, this is the most poetic comment I've read in a while. Love the analogy!

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You "will" something into existence. Artwork, pieces of writing- they only exist in your head until you sit down and "create" them.

- Loved this and inspired Sir...

Thank you.

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I'm glad you liked that line Sharadha :)

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I love this thought. "We grow when we push ourselves through the creative process. We learn to see the world differently." That's my experience too. And I'm so glad you shared the quote from Walter Isaacson. That's a gem I hadn't heard. (The vase video was also cool and totally speaks to your point.)

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Ya, this is actually a quote I pulled from a podcast interview (I transcribed it as he said it). I knew you'd like it!

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thanks for doing that!

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Thank you for this. Your art is beautiful. Your pictures are beautiful. You are one of my favorites to read on here. Creating is one of the most important things we can do, and art is so needed by all of us. ♥️

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These are such kind words. Thank you so much. You made me smile today :)

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